
Day 38: Double (Loose) Tie Back Wrap

Hair du Jour Day 38: February 7, 2012

Double (Loose) Tie Back Wrap

How to do it:
Divide hair in two and drape over shoulders. On one side pull up hair into half ponytail. Leave out one 1/4 inch section in the middle that should have gone into half ponytail. Tie loosely with small elastic. Repeat with other side. You will end up with two small half ponytails and two small pieces in the middle. Using the small middle pieces wrap each of the small ponytails and secure underneath by tucking the wrap into the original elastic on the back side.

Time to do it: 1 minute

Easy peasy and so awesome. Got the idea for this while I was driving my daughter to school this morning. I really want to try this on straight hair to see the difference in effect!