
Day 41: Fat Side Braid

Hair du Jour Day 41:  February 10, 2012

Fat Side Braid

It is phat, but it is also Fat.

I don't watch Rachael Ray and I don't know much about Vanessa Manilo-Lachey (heh...rhymes!), but I stumbledupon this today and recorded the episode asap.  Vanessa showed a couple of really cute ideas, very simple and you will have your mind blown when you see how easy this is.  Prepare yourself.

Side pony.  Secure with elastic.  Side braid.  Secure with elastic.  Hold the tail of your braid in one hand and firmly pull up on the braid sections with your other (you won't break the bread).  This loosens up your braid so you look like you have lush, full hair.  I left a bunch of pieces out to make it look messy.  Love!  Will play with this in the future.

By the way I don't know if you can see this in the pictures, but I just looked at pic 3 and remembered I have the tiniest ears imaginable.  But I hear like a BOSS!

Time to do it:  About 1 minute

When I learn new tricks I feel like I am winning.  Same goes when I save 85% on items or save myself a significant amount of time.  This trick I will use repeatedly until I die.  Winning.