
Day 125: Another use for Goody Kimberly Hair Clip

Hair du Jour Day 125:  May 4, 2012

Another use for Goody's Kimberly Hair Clip

How to do it:
Pull hair half up and create a bun.  Slide teeth of hair clip underneath bun and wiggle the bun through the hole in the clip. Poof!  Et voila!

Time to do it:  About 20 seconds

Credit:  Ames!  We were fiddling around with this sensational piece of hairdressery and all four of us (Laura, Bridget, Amy and I) are in love with this clip.  In fact, we all had this in our hair at some point in the night.  So comfy, so versatile.  I may name my next child Goody...jk.  But, seriously.  Get one of these suckers.  'Day nice!

Ignore this frizz...Wanted to show you a lighter version so you could see the bun I was talking about.  Nifty.  I know you are not ignoring the frizz.  You must.  This is not the frizz you're looking for.